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Sacrificing Relationships that No Longer Served Her or Her Purpose, with Opvlent
June 24, 2023
Sacrificing Relationships that No Longer Served Her or Her Purpose, with Opvlent
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Let me ask you a question, have you ever wondered what it takes to achieve your dreams? Well, I'm here to tell you that it takes sacrifices. Sacrifices that can seem daunting, scary, and downright impossible at times.

Sacrifices like giving up your weekends to practice, dedicating your time to perfecting your craft, and even putting your ego aside to learn from others. 

But there’s even one more sacrifice that our guest Opvlent had to make along her own journey. Which was, getting rid of the relationships that she had that were no longer serving her or her mission of making a career for herself in Folly and music production. 

Join us as she tells us how she was able to  trim these friends out of her life and how by doing so led her to land what she likes to call her first “big girl” job with PCB Entertainment. (They are involved with creating soundtracks and sound effects in major video games including Call of Duty and Tony Hawk Pro Skater)

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