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Overcoming Hashimoto's Disease and Traveling the World, with Luma
November 21, 2023
Overcoming Hashimoto's Disease and Traveling the World, with Luma
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Today we share an incredible story of resilience and determination with you. As a dedicated vocalist in the Dance & Electronic Music scene who has worked with Mitis, Spag Heddy, Blanke, and Adventure Club, Luma has faced the daunting challenge of Hashimoto's and its impact on my ability to perform. After a long and courageous journey, she is thrilled to share that she has overcome this obstacle and is now touring the world, sharing her passion and music with audiences everywhere. (Most recently to Europe)

Her journey was filled with setbacks, but through perseverance and the support of amazing individuals in her community, she has emerged stronger than ever. She is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to continue pursuing her dream, and she hopes to inspire others facing similar challenges to hold onto faith and never give up.

Thank you so much, enjoy the episode!

Society Selects (Last Updated 11/14/23)

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