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How Gofundme Saved Them from Losing Everything, with Yum.Yum.
November 01, 2022
How Gofundme Saved Them from Losing Everything, with Yum.Yum.
Play Episode

First I just want to say, happy halloween guys. I hope you all had a fantastic time, stayed safe and weren’t too hungover to get back to work on monday.

Today on the show we have a duo out of Indianapolis that go by the name Yum.Yum. who are a part of the Solace Presents crew that we had on earlier this year. And man do they have a story to share with you today.

If you are a producer or entrepreneur of any kind, you know that it normally comes with an initial investment that you have to use in order to get the proper tools and supplies you need But what if once you purchased all of the necessary gear, someone broke into your home and stole it all from you?

This situation unfortunately happened to our guests but in their case they were fortunate to have built such a strong community around them that they were able to start a gofund me account and recover what they had lost. In most cases these episodes are made to help you know what to look out for and how to overcome certain challenges But, in this case I hope this never happens to any of you!!

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