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Getting Past Hate, Stigmas, & Stereotypes, with Devin Larscheid
September 24, 2022
Getting Past Hate, Stigmas, & Stereotypes, with Devin Larscheid
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Our guest on the show today is Devin Larscheid who is one of the larger influencers in the EDM space, you have probably seen some of his tiktoks or reels or maybe you have even seen his podcast called “I’m Peaking” on YouTube.

But before we get started, I have a confession to make. Going into this interview I had a preconceived notion of who Devin was and to be quite honest, I judged him. “Well Justin, why did you judge him?” You ask. Well, because he makes content around rave related topics and some of those topics includes material related to recreational drug use and because some of his most viral videos have a lot to do with that, I originally thought that was all he made and I personally felt like there was a negative connotation around that. And as you’ll hear in the interview, I am not the only one who thinks this when they first learn about who he is as an online personality.

But I am here to tell you, that couldn’t be further from the truth. After going through the process of putting this episode together, my perception of Devin has completely flipped upside down and I now have so much respect for who he is and what he creates. So I hope that if you also had the same idea about him, this episode not only shows you that you should never judge a book by it’s cover but it also provides you with an opportunity to change your opinion about him and some of the negative stigmas that he has been given by so many of us.

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